CCI | ABOUT US FAST | VERSATILE | FLEXIBLE Cincinnati Convertors, Inc. was founded in 1973. We are centrally located in Cincinnati, OH, near the Xavier University campus. For over 40 years we have been satisfying our customers’ needs for quick-turnaround, short run printed flexible packaging materials. Our clients include many of the most well-known food brands and pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies in the U.S.

What We Do FOOD | PHARMACEUTICALS | COSMETICS We specialize in printing flexible packaging, primarily for the food industry as portion-controlled condiment packaging, the pharmaceutical industry as unit dose blister packs, and the cosmetics industry as gel, sunscreen and towelette sachets. We also perform services for other converters, including slitting rolls to desired widths and cores, printing eyemark tests and performing our customized post-print repair processes to salvage and restore value to misprinted rolls.
Cincinnati Convertors has a companywide approach to quality. We print on safe, high-barrier flexible packaging materials that preserve the freshness and integrity of dry and liquid products. We believe that excellent quality results in satisfied customers and long-term success.
At Cincinnati Convertors, we have the knowledge, experience and desire to fulfill your needs and to help you succeed. We work closely with our customers to meet their unique specifications through every step of the process, from design through printing.
Cincinnati Convertors has a long tradition of selecting and printing flexible packaging materials with sustainability in mind. Flexible packaging enables our customers to minimize their packaging and to deliver the freshest and safest product, with a focus on reducing consumption through the entire product's lifecycle.